I'm here to help you change your life through Life Coaching, NLP, IFS and EMDR.


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After almost twenty years of working in a broad range of holistic methods, my focus today is primarily Life Coaching with NLP for life changes, and EMDR and IFS for deep therapeutic transformation.

This is because I find them to be the most profound and effective methods to create change. 

Life Coaching with NLP for Life Changes™

Life Coaching is a process of directed enquiry, deep listening and powerful questioning that helps you gain clarity on what you want, set goals and outcomes, and create an action plan to make it happen.

Life Coaching focuses on the present and the future. We can work on a single goal, a specific area of life, or design a whole new future.

With tools, techniques and powerful questions you can finally dig deep to find out who you are and how you want to live. Life Coaching with NLP helps you an authentic and meaningful life that is uniquely yours.

NLP is a methodology that helps you get to know your inner world, understand yourself better and resolve unconscious conflicts and triggers.

NLP works directly on the unconscious mind to removes your inner blocks and obstacles to achieving your goals and aspirations. 


EMDR with IFS & Radical Self-Compassion™

EMDR is a well-established treatment originally developed by Frances Shapiro in the US and used for PTSD and trauma in the work with war veterans.

It has since been found highly effective on a wide range of symptoms. These include (amongst other); unworthiness, low self-esteem, workaholism, imposter syndrome, loneliness, anxiety, destructive habits (food, drugs, alcohol), stress, exhaustion, and lack of joie de vivre.

EMDR uses bilateral stimulation coupled with rigorous therapeutic protocols that make a change in the neurological patterns of our minds. 

It's effective on phobias, ptsd, OCD, depression, anxiety, single traumatic event, complex trauma, narcissistic abuse, addictions, and more.

EMDR is completely different from CBT. CBT tries to go from the outside and force a change in behaviour. EMDR works from the inside out, healing the hidden pain at core level.

With EMDR we finally have a method that helps us face the ghosts of the past and lay them to rest, once and for all. It's effective, permanent and fast. EMDR fosters a new relationship with self based on compassion, understanding and self-love. Finally you get to learn who you really are.



"No matter your past or where you are, with the right support you can create a life that makes you proud."


Nina Madden

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My Approach


You’re not broken, and you don’t need fixing. No matter how complex your upbringing, or the experiences you've had, you can create a life that makes you happy.

With the right tools, guidance and approach you can create a life that has meaning, purpose and direction, and that fills you with pride.

You're not a victim of the past and you're not stuck to repeat it. Healing fully is possible. You don't have to walk this path alone. 

Sadness, loneliness, anxiety, irrational behaviours, like  addictions, frustration, anger and depression are all expressions of hidden pain. 

CBT doesn't work. It tries to apply a change from the outside in. But you can’t think your way out of pain, anxiety or addiction.

With EMDR we heal the hidden pain at core level. This fosters a completely new relationship with self, one that is based on love, compassion and connection.

How to Work With Me


Book a discovery call to get started working with me today.