Welcome to your fully ICF accredited, boutiqeu-style  training in Life Coaching & NLP Mastery

For people who are serious about their careers as a Life Coach with NLP and who want a professional, fully accredited and recognised training in Life Coaching and NLP at Master level.Nina Madden


ICF Accredited Diploma in Professional Life Coaching with NLP Mastery, including exciting modules on Metaphors, Archetypes, story-telling and Hero’s Journey

The Courage Coaching Academy is a fully accredited ICF coach education provider that offers boutique style professional training in Life Coaching and NLP.

This programme is an in-depth professional training to become a qualified Life Coach and NLP Master Practitioner that goes beyond NLP and Life Coaching to include powerful modules on Story-telling, Metaphors, Archetypes and Hero’s Journey.

This training is for people who are serious about their careers as Life Coaches and NLP Masters, where quality and depth are important and who want to have a profound transformative impact on their client’s lives.

The programme in its current format has been changing lives globally since 2017. Nina has been teaching accredited NLP and Coaching since 2011.


Are you ready to transform your life with personal 1:1 Life Coaching, NLP, IFS and EMDR Therapy?

Nina Madden


Personal 1:1 Life Coaching, NLP, IFS & EMDR Therapy


Life Coaching for Life Changes ™

Life Coaching helps you change your life. It is a process of directed enquiry, deep listening and powerful questioning that helps you dig deep, gain clarity on what you want, and create an authentic and meaningful future that is uniquely yours.

Life Coaching helps you create a vision for your future and design actionable plans to make it happen.

NLP for Therapeutic Transformation™ 

NLP is a method and an approach that has its roots in the therapies of Satir, Perls and Erickson. It includes tools techniques that work directly on the unconscious mind. 

NLP helps you get to know your inner world, understand yourself better and resolve internal conflicts and obstacles that are preventing you from achieving your goals and aspirations.

Life Coaching with NLP helps you become the person you want to be.

EMDR with Radical Self-Compassion™ 

EMDR is not for the faint-hearted. 

EMDR is a well-established trauma treatment originally developed in the US for PTSD and trauma mainly for war veterans and survivors of natural catastrophes. It has since then been recognised for its transformative potential on a wide range of symptoms.

These include (amongst other); anxiety and depression, a sense of unworthiness, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, imposter syndrome, loneliness, destructive habits (food, drugs, alcohol), sadness, stress, childhood traumas, exhaustion and lacking in joie de vivre or enthusiasm for life. 

EMDR helps you resolve the pain at root level.

Take Me to 1:1 Coaching NLP & EMDR

You deserve a successful career as a Life Coach & NLP Master Practitioner.


Nina knows that what you need to succeed as a Life Coach and NLP Master in today's landscape is a passion for personal development and world-class training in professional Life Coaching and NLP Mastery at NLP Master Practitioner level.

Nina Madden


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Everything you need to know about The Diploma in Professional Life Coaching with NLP Mastery and the Courage Coaching Academy.


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